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Be kind, Be compassionate

Be kind, Be compassionate.. - Moral Stories

 There was once a young boy who often was angry.

His father decided to give him a bag of nails one afternoon saying:  son, when you get angry take one of these nails and simply nail it into the fence in our backyard. You will feel better by releasing your frustration. 

After the first day, the young boy had nailed 25 nails into the fence.

But as the weeks went by, the young boy grew more aware of his anger and put fewer and fewer nails into the fence.

Although he never denied the anger that was there, in time, he found it easier to silently experience his anger and then release it rather than angrily nail the nails into the fence.

Finally, the day came when the young boy stopped losing his temper completely. On that day, his father said to him:  son, now go to that fence and pull out a nail for each day that you could manage your anger and hold it in a responsible way. 

A day later, the boy went to his father and told him that each nail had been removed from the fence.

The father replied:  I am proud of you son. I would like you to look at the holes that you have made in the fence.'

'When things are said in anger, irritation or frustration, you can put a hole into someone just like you have put a hole into that fence.'

'Although you may retract your words and apologize, the scar can remain for a long, long time. So be kind. Be compassionate.
